Patrick S. Smith
3000 Seneca Industrial Parkway
Bellevue, OH 44811
Business: 419-483-6399
Fax: 419-484-5535

Dave Freitag

Pauline Kovac
Finance Lead

Courtney Evans
Finance Superintendent

Kashmir Heim
Finance Clerk
The Auditor of a City shall be elected for a term of four years, commencing on the first day of January after his election.
The City Auditor is the Chief Financial Officer for the City. It is the duty of the auditor to keep the books of the City and exhibit accurate statements of all moneys received and expended, of all property owned by the City and the income derived therefrom, and of all taxes and assessments.
The auditor shall not allow the amount set aside for any appropriation to be overdrawn, or the amount appropriated for one item of expense to be drawn upon for any other purpose.
The mission of the Finance Office is to provide financial resources and services to the City administration, City Council, the City’s departments and to the public. This information is provided in a factual and unbiased manner.
The Finance Office is also responsible for the following:
- General Accounting – including month-end and year-end closings
- Budgeting, including Revenue Projections
- Debt Management
- Financial Reporting
- Accounts Payable
- Check Processing
- Vendor Maintenance
- Fixed Assets
- Payroll
- Pension Processing
- Contract Control
- Works with the Treasurer
- Monitors Life Insurance Program