Kegan Lilly
Water Pollution Control Superintendent
Class III Water & Waste Water Management

Water Pollution Control Facility
PHONE: 419-483-7514
FAX: 419-483-4507


Bridget Shiets – Class III Water Reclamation Operator, Lab Analyst 2

Pete Schafer – Class III Water Supply & Water Reclamation Operator

Jon Schoen – Class II Water Reclamation Operator

Jeremy Doster – Class I Water Reclamation Operator

Tate Schoen – Class I Water Reclamation Operator

Joe Gerber – Class I Water Reclamation Operator

Greg Ruffing – Maintenance

Dan Schoen – Vactor Operator

City Composting & Dumpster Facility

Barnes Nursery operates the composting facility. For questions concerning the composting facility, hours or rules, please call (419-602-4545) or review this link for more information:

Compost 2025

Facility Information

The Bellevue Water Pollution Control Facility was constructed in 1969, with expansions in 1988 and 1994. The plant has a design flow of 2.0 MGD, average daily flow of 1.1 MGD, and a 24-hour peak flow of 5.6 MGD. The department maintains all lift stations and all sewer collection lines alongside the treatment facility. The facility consists of bar screening, grit removal, primary clarification, activated sludge treatment, nitrification towers, final clarification, and UV disinfection. The facility removes all Class B biosolids by belt press to the county landfill. Our staff welcomes the community to call and schedule a tour to see how the facility operates and continues to provide an essential service to the community and the environment.

Industrial Pretreatment Program

The Bellevue Water Pollution Control Facility is required and responsible for implementing an Industrial Pretreatment Program. Our goal is to ensure that industrial discharged waste does not contain pollutants that will negatively affect the treatment plant, as well as the receiving waters in the area. Removal of excess pollutants using pretreatment regulations ensures that the facility maintains water quality standards set by the EPA. For questions regarding the Industrial Pretreatment Program, please contact the Superintendent or Pretreatment Coordinator at (419)-483-7514 or by email at

Any waters or wastes that create a hazard to humans or animals or create any hazards in the receiving waters of the WRF, including but not limited to cyanides, nickel and phenols, chromium, copper, zinc, calcium, mercury and lead. The Safety-Service Director has established, reviewed and revised concentration limits for the following industrial waste discharge to the sewage system. Such limits are considered “local limits” and have been approved by the Ohio EPA. The local limits are located here: (pdf of local limits) – will provide the pdf once EPA sends approval

These concentrations may be changed as necessary pursuant to applicable promulgated limiting concentrations established by state or federal agencies, and to be incorporated into this section in the direction of said agencies.

The city can provide the use of a composite sampler and provide laboratory analysis for industrial users and community members. Fees for these services are located here:

Testing Fees

Codified Ordinances

Sewer Use Regulations, along with Rates and Industrial Pretreatment, are available on the City Website. Please consult Chapter 925 available at this link:

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