Brandon Good
Water Superintendent
Class III Water License
Water Treatment Plant
830 E. Center St
Bellevue, OH 44811
Phone: 419-483-3819
Water Treatment and Filtration Employees
Walter Klinski, Part-Time Operator, Class III Water License
Kimberly Consolo, Crew Leader Operator, Class II Water License
Sam Strayer, Operator, Class I Water License
Distribution Employees
Ross Tucker, Class II Water License
Jeff Doster, Utility Tech
Dalton Hay, Permanent Part time
Kevin Hay, Maintenance
Bellevue’s water system was inaugurated in 1872 with water from a deep well being pumped directly into distribution lines without treatment. The present water filtration plant was put into operation in 1937 with additions, improvements, and modernizations in 1955, 1967, 1971, 1972, 1976, 1985, 2002, and 2010. The daily filtration capacity of the plant is 3 million gallons per day. The plant operates an average of 16 hours per day, treating an average of 1.8 million gallons during the summer months and 1.2 million gallons during the winter months. Bellevue’s water supply is impounded in 5 reservoirs and the storage is unique and capable of storing 1 billion gallons of water. The city purchases water from Erie County at the rate of 200,000 gallons per day.
The treatment and filtration plant has an intake area that has the capability to receive stream water from rain runoff and reservoir 4 and 5 water that flows hydraulically into the treatment plant. This can flow up to 1 million gallons per day hydraulically and there are 3 pumps that pump up to 3 million gallons per day.
The treatment process to produce the high quality of water necessary to meet all EPA requirements include: potassium permanganate to treat for organics and algae, ferric chloride to coagulate and settle particle, lime to soften and treat for organics, sodium hydroxide to soften and to lower the noncarbonated hardness, powder activate carbon to control taste and odors, liquid C02 to lower the pH, phosphate for corrosion control for the distribution system, chlorine for disinfection, fluoride for dental protection which is mandated by the state. All of our operators are Ohio EPA licensed.
The treatment process includes calculated dosages of the chemicals that are processed through a rapid mix, flocculator/pretreatment tank, clarifier, settling basin, C02 tank and 8 filters for filtration. After the filter storage chamber, the water is pumped to the 1million gallon storage tank located at the site of the plant in which is pumped to the three water towers.
The high quality drinking water produced by the treatment and filtration plant consistently meets all water quality regulations mandated by the Ohio EPA to assure the public with adequate and safe water. These requirements go through extensive daily testing conducted by our laboratory and monthly, quarterly, and yearly testing completed by a third party laboratory. Our lab tests for hardness, alkalinity, pH, turbidity, chlorine residual, fluoride, stability and microbiological. Our lab analysts are Ohio EPA certified in these areas.
The water distribution system contains over 47 miles of various sized iron and PVC pipe ranging from 4″ to 12″ with three elevated tanks with a total capacity of 1.3 million gallons. The average static pressure maintained throughout the system is 65 psi. The system services 3300 homes and businesses and has over 432 fire hydrants for necessary fire protection and flushing of the system. The city sells water through a bulk water station located by the south tower. The city has a continued program to replace aging water lines and fire hydrants within the system, including flushing of the system on a biannual schedule.
Additional water quality information or questions are available by contacting the Water Superintendent at 419-484-5520 or by fax at 419-483-1015.