Ronald Smith


Duane Baker

First Ward

Caleb Wynbissinger

Second Ward

Steve Hill

Third Ward

Kendall Shepherd

Fourth Ward

Nadean Muniz

At Large

Joseph Burkhart

At Large 

Beverly Ommert

At Large

Dave Wallingford

Law Director

Rhonda Soper

Clerk of Council – (419) 483-2621

Bellevue City Council generally meets the second and fourth Mondays of each month in the City Council Chambers of the Bellevue City Centre, 3000 Seneca Industrial Parkway, at 7:30 p.m.  If there is a holiday on a Monday, City Council will meet on the Tuesday after the holiday.   To confirm dates and times of meetings, call the Clerk of Council at (419) 483-2621.

The legislative body of the City is the City Council. The Council is comprised of seven members – three elected at large and four elected from each of the four wards of Bellevue. All Council members serve a term of two years. The main functions of City Council are to set policy, establish City goals and oversee and approve the annual budget.

Other Council responsibilities include:
Create, combine, change and eliminate offices, departments, divisions, boards and commissions established in the City, by ordinance or resolution, the rates or charges made by consumers of all municipal utilities and services.

Clerk of Council

  • Appointed by City Council
  • Maintains record of proceedings of City Council and record of ordinances and resolutions adopted by City Council
  • Provides notice of regular and special meetings of City Council
  • Performs all duties outlined in the Ohio Revised Code or as directed by City Council

Committees of Council

Committees consist of members of City Council who review and report on issues referred to them by City Council as a whole. These Committees report to City Council as a regular part of the City Council meeting agenda.

2024 Boards & Commissions

View Agenda & Minutes

Beverly Ommert, Chair
Joe Burkhart
Duane Baker

Joe Burkhart, Chair
Nadean Muniz
Duane Baker

Duane Baker, Chair
Steve Hill
Kendall Shepherd


Steve Hill, Chair
Beverly Ommert
Nadean Muniz

Caleb Wynbissinger, Chair
Beverly Ommert
Kendall Shepherd

Nadean Muniz, Chair
Caleb Wynbissinger
Steve Hill

Kendall Shepherd, Chair
Caleb Wynbissinger
Joe Burkhart

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